You have 0 energy.

You get 1 energy per click.
You get 0 energy/s.

Spend 20 energy to make a proton.

You have 0 protons.   Next 1.00x boost to the proton effect at 0 protons.
They are producing 0 energy per second.

Spend 50 energy to make an electron.

You have 0 electrons.   Next 1.00x boost to the electron effect at 0 electrons.
They add 0 to your energy per click.

Cost: 10000 energy
Spend 100000 energy to make a neutrino.

You have 0 neutrinos.
They are boosting the production of energy from all sources by 1^1.000 = 1.0x.

Cost: 20 Protium.
Spend 1,000,000 energy, 1 proton, 1 electron, and 1 neutrino to make a neutron.

You have 0 neutrons.
They are boosting the production of energy from all sources by 1^2.000 = 1.0x.
They decay into 5,000,000 energy with a half-life of If you are seeing this, then the game is bugged.
Upon decay, there is a lol% chance to make a proton, a XD% chance to make an electron, and a ???% chance to make a neutrino.

H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
Reset your progress in exchange for some Hydrogen Atoms.

You will get as much Protium (1H) as the minimum of your protons and electrons.

You have 0 Protium.

They boost your total energy production by 1+(Protium+1)^0.5.

They are currently boosting your energy production by 1x.
You will get as much Deuterium (2H) as the minimum of your protons, neutrons, and electrons.

You have 0 Deuterium.

They boost your total energy production by 1+(Deuterium+1)^0.5.

They are currently boosting your energy production by 1x.

You are getting a 1x boost to your energy production from all Hydrogen atoms.

Multiple gases can be added to gas containers. All gases start at their boiling point in terms of temperature.

The temperature you see is the average temperature of all gas molecules in the container.

Using the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, both increasing the number of molecules and increasing the temperature increases the pressure and/or volume of the container.

The sides of the container expand when the pressure gets high enough, increasing the volume of the container. (Yes, this is a softcap.)

Due to heating inefficiencies, it takes more energy to heat up the gases by one unit when the gases are already hot. (Yes, this is a kind of scaling.)

Heat is conducted out of the container at a rate proportional to the temperature; therefore, temperature decays exponentially.

Gases in the container cannot completely liquefy, so the minimum temperature of the container is the melting point of the gas with the lowest melting point.

Pressure raises the exponent of the neutron effect.
Temperature raises the exponent of the neutrino effect.

COMING SOON in v2.0:
Injecting neutrons into the gas container at a high enough pressure will cause a great explosion, creating Helium but decimating everything else.
This is the 2nd prestige layer of Elemental Incremental. Stay tuned!
bug bug
Pressure: 0
Temperature: 0
Volume: 1.0
Select the molecule to add to the gas container: Requires 2 Hydrogen atoms and 2e8 energy per H2 molecule

Select how many gas molecules you want to make (amount or proportion of total possible molecules that can be made):

Select the proportion of energy you want to spend to heat this container up.

Decrease the cost scaling of protons by 3%.

Cost: 10 anti Protium.
Level bug
Decrease the cost scaling of electrons by 3%.

Cost: 1 anti Deuterium.
Level bug
Decrease the cost scaling of neutrinos by 4%.

Cost: 1e7 anti energy.
Level bug
Decrease the cost scaling of neutrons by 4%.

Cost: 50 Protium, 5 Deuterium, and 5e8 energy.
Level bug
Add 10% to the multiplicative bonus when your proton amount reaches the end of a row of the periodic table.

Cost: bug Protium, BUG energy.
Level -0
Add 10% to the multiplicative bonus when your electron amount reaches the end of a row of the periodic table.

Cost: bug Deuterium, BUG energy.
Level -0

Numbers equal to or greater than 1e6 will be displayed using 4 significant figures.
Number of sig figs:

The minimum number required to display notation as scientific is 1e6.

Toggle hotkeys:
H = Perform a Protium reset
D = Perform a Deuterium reset

Hard Reset (NOTICE: When clicking this button, there will be a confirmation.) :

You get a 5% boost to energy gain from all sources per achievement; this boost stacks multiplicatively.
Your achievements are giving you a 1.00x multiplier to energy gain from all sources.

Pseudo-CarbonHave at least 6 protons and at least 6 electrons at the same time.
Pseudo-NeonHave at least 10 protons and at least 10 electrons at the same time.
Pseudo-ArgonHave at least 18 protons and at least 18 electrons at the same time.
Is this a trillion electron-volts?Create a total of at least 21,300 energy.
A microjoule?Create a total of at least 133,100 energy.
MillionaireCreate a total of at least 1 million energy.
Pseudo-IronHave at least 26 protons and at least 26 electrons at the same time.
Pseudo-KryptonHave at least 36 protons and at least 36 electrons at the same time.
Energy hoarderHave a total of at least 10 million energy on hand.
That's more than Oganesson!Have a total of at least 294 amu worth of atoms.
Active runHave at least 30 electrons but no protons.
Idle runHave at least 30 protons but no electrons.
Now we're talkingCreate at least 20,000 energy in the span of one second.
Bonus!Have a total of at least 10 achievements.
Fast HydrogenHave a reset for at least 1 Hydrogen atom that lasts under 4 seconds.
Neutrino rookieHave at least 10 neutrinos.
That's a lot of particlesHave the sum of your protons, neutrons, electrons, and neutrinos be at least 100.
Pseudo-SilverHave at least 47 protons and at least 47 electrons at the same time.
Pseudo-XenonHave at least 54 protons and at least 54 electrons at the same time.
Classic runHave a total of at least 50 million energy on hand without any neutrinos.
What just happened?!Have a neutron decay.
Kinetic energy of a toy carCreate a total of at least 200 million energy.
A question mark moveHave at least 4 neutrons but no neutrinos.
Enough for Carbon-12Have at least 6 neutrons.
What do we call this?Have at least 5 neutrons but no protons and no electrons.
BillionaireCreate a total of at least 1 billion energy.
Bulked upMake at least 40 subatomic particles in a single purchase.
Bonus! 2Have a total of at least 25 achievements.
Heavier than a hundred CarbonsHave the mass of all your stuff exceed 1200 amu.
Historic runHave a total of at least 500 million energy on hand without any neutrinos or neutrons on hand.
Typical tetra-power of 10Create a total of 1e10 = 10^^2 energy.
Fast DeuteriumHave a reset for at least 1 Deuterium atom that lasts under 5 seconds.
The first Joule's always the hardestCreate a total of 1.331e11 energy.
Phone on standbyCreate at least 2e10 energy in the span of one second.
Pseudo-OganessonHave at least 118 protons and 118 electrons at the same time.
TrillionaireCreate a total of at least 1 trillion energy.
Hydrogen machineCreate at least 1000 Hydrogen atoms in the span of one minute.
Neutrino expertHave at least 60 neutrinos on hand.
NeutralityHave 1e8 energy on hand without getting any protons or electrons in your current reset.
Medieval RunHave 5e10 energy on hand while never getting any neutrinos or neutrons in your current reset.
You have made a total of 0 energy across all resets.
If it always took 20 energy to make a proton from nothing, this amount would be equal to -0 Joules.
v0.1 alpha: 1-11-2020: Started making this game.
v1.0 beta: 1-11-2020: Added Hydrogen Atoms (Protium).
v1.0.1 beta: 1-11-2020: Added the first Basic Atomic Upgrade.
v1.1 beta: 1-12-2020: Saving now works!
v1.2 beta: 3-16-2020: I've been revamping the code for a while, and have gotten pre-prestige to work.

v1.2.1 beta: 3-11-2022 (Yes that's 2022, not 2020): Continued to refactor the code and the 100 protium upgrade now works.
v1.3: 3-14-2022: Added neutrinos! Also added formatting options and a software license, and fixed many bugs.
v1.3.1: 3-14-2022: Fixed a bug where the CSS and JS were not recognized by the HTML.
v1.3.2: 3-14-2022: Fixed a bug where the game kept hard resetting.
v1.3.3: 3-14-2022: Fixed a bug where protons do nothing directly after a hard reset.
v1.3.4: 3-19-2022: Added a new formatting option, added subtabs for the Misc. (formerly Changelog) tab, and added a hotkey "H" for Hydrogen atom resets!
v1.3.5: 3-19-2022: Fixed a bug where the minimum power for scientific notation was undefined.
v1.4: 3-19-2022: Added achievements! There are 20 of them in this initial batch.
v1.4.6: 3-20-2022: Fixed a typo and a game-breaking bug.
v1.5: 3-22-2022: Added neutrons! Also added 5 new achievements and a button to export your save.
v1.5.1: 3-23-2022: Fixed a bug where you could get negative protons, negative electrons, and negative neutrinos.
v1.6: 3-25-2022: Added Deuterium! Also added 5 new achievements and fixed a bug where hard resetting doesn't reset achievements.
v1.7: 4-4-2022: Added 6 upgrades! Fixed minor bugs too.
v1.8: 4-13-2022: Added 6 more upgrades, made cost reductions retroactive, added a confirmation to the Hard Reset button, added a periodic table, and added 5 new achievements!
v1.8.1: 4-13-2022: Fixed a visual bug where a sentence spoiling a later upgrade was shown before it was supposed to.

v1.9: 1-11-2023
Added gas containers! You can make H2 gas molecules, and the temperature of the gas container affect the exponents of the neutrino and neutron effects.
Buffed upgrades 1-4: 1% -> 3%, 2% -> 4%. Nerfed upgrade 10: 2^other^(1/2) -> 2^other^(1/3).
Added 5 new achievements for a total of 40 now.
Added a toggle for hotkeys and a few other QoL things.
Note: This software is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This means you can do anything you want with the software as long as you credit me for the original and state that you made a change to this software.

Ideas: SuperSpruce
Game: SuperSpruce
Graphics: SuperSpruce

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SuperSpruce's YouTube channel
Clover Clicker
The Unscaled Incremental

The Antimatter Dimensions Reality Update just got leaked!!! Play it here!